How To Wear American Socks?🤔 part 2!🔥

How To Wear American Socks?🤔 part 2!🔥

We know you couldn't wait any longer, but don't worry, we're back to bring you the best sock tips. We previously discussed lengths and the power of wearing sandals with socks, and if you haven't read it I don't know what the hell you were doing.... (Come on, here it is.) Today we were talking about the best part of wearing socks, which is being able to go a little wild with them. Understand me, maybe it's a little weird to wear an astronaut costume to your 9 to 6 job but no one is going to tell you anything for wearing space-inspired socks... So today it's all about designs


There are many occasions when it is better to keep it simple, but that should not be a problem for dressing smartly. However, keeping it simple does not mean wearing basic socks or loosing your style. You can go black or white with black or white stripes to make it classy, maybe add colored stripes if you want to be a little more playful or even a minimalistic fine line design to be a little more offbeat.

Mix of Mid High American Socks

But black and white are not the only shades in the chromatic range and perhaps it is nice to add a touch of color to your days and outfits. This type of socks are perfect for occasions when you don't want to wear exaggerated patterns or designs but don't want to go too simple. You can use them to complement your look by following the pantone of your outfit or even to give it a shocking splash of color. 

Mix of Colored Mid High American Socks



However, as I was telling you before, for many people, socks are the piece of clothing that allows them to give a more casual and wacky tone to their outfits. You know, go hard or go home. This type of socks are perfect for people who normally dress a bit plainer but also for people who dress in an original way from head to toe. The best thing is that you can find as many designs and color ranges as you can imagine, so no matter what your style is, your tastes or the intention of your outfit, I am sure you will find the perfect one for you and for every occasion.  

Mix of Signature American Socks

That's it for today, stay tunned for part 3 if you want to be a real socker and dress cool! 🤙🏼